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We are doing a lot of tx since 2 days.

Why did the staking apr not rise a lot ? Aren't this rewards coming from tx fees ?

3 ответов

17 просмотров

That's not the way it works bud. the more people that join the lower it goes.

M- Автор вопроса

I try again my question because that's not clear. When you stake EGLD on nodes, you get the fees from the tx. Right ? We are a lot who unstaked to go into pools and we do a lot of tx. So theorically, the apr have to go up ! I'm talking about thoses 13% apr.

I try again my question because that's not clear. ...

That will probably go up when it will be some few millions tx daily.. Don't know the numbers, maybe up to 5-10m daily tx...

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