to receieve LKMEX for double APR but am not receiving double APR. Only reciving 1x. Anyone else?
If you tapped on the lock your mex for x 2 apr then you are receiving double
I did, but calculations only show 1x so far. I've been staking since the DEX went live and should have double the amount of LKMEX by now. In my web wallet it does show that my staked MEX is doubled, but on the DEX is says I'm staking half that and yes, I'm only getting half the return in LKMEX.
Very strange. Everything is fine for me.
Thanks for replying. Do you know if APR % calculated is based on receiving LKMEX or unlocked MEX? If it's based on receiving LKMEX, then the calculations add up. (i.e. for the MEX pool - would be 480% to receive LKMEX and 240% to reveive unlocked MEX)
Apr shown is LKMEX
Thanks for clarifying. Does that only apply to the MEX pool then? On eGLD-USDC, I'm receiving unlocked MEX at very close to the 1300% APR. This is why I'm confused
Good question... I believe so, will need to do some calculations on the mex/eGLD pool.. 😊
Admin, I unstaked my EGLD token on elrond website wallet on Nov.21st, it only shows available soon, and doesn't show the actual available days till now. What is wrong with?
In mex only pool I believe that to be the case based on some else's calculations, I haven't personally checked myself, but will when get a chance
Okay, cool, thanks Paws. Based on my calculations then that's how it is. So receiving LKMEX on eGLD-USDC would actually be double what is listed (2600% instead of 1300%) right now, and then receving LKMEX is exactly what is listed right now on the MEX pool: 480%. I'm not sure how this would be for eGLD-MEX as I haven't entered that one yet
what are you talking about , what is true ? he didnt makea statement he just ssaid he doesnt know , so is it 480 % for regular mex or no ?
I did the math on the LP pools, which on my side perfectly matched MEX rewards... like in not locked.
In mex only pool?
nope, the LP pools... so EGLDMEX / EGLDUSDC
Thanks for letting us know. I'm also getting advertised APR on eGLD-USDC in unlocked MEX.
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