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Can anyone help me out here? How can I determine

the longevity of a pool or at least predict it more precisely in order to save transaction costs? I deposited in Tbtc and the next day the APY went down. e.g. the IBTC pool has the highest APY currently but I am not sure, for how long this will last. Can you help an ape out?

4 ответов

12 просмотров

It will depend on the gauge weeks so almost impossible to predict. Allocation of CRV to each pool changes weekly based on how veCRV holders vote. This will of course affect your return on Convex as well

Dr.Kid- Автор вопроса

So it is a gamble when to put the money into a pool?

So it is a gamble when to put the money into a poo...

I guess yes if you're expected APY's to remain stable. Lot of factors influence including TVL, and token prices as well

Dr.Kid- Автор вопроса
It will depend on the gauge weeks so almost imposs...

is there a specific day in the weekly rhythm of changes?

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