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I'M trying to read more about sharding and smart contracts

and to be honest it looks like a complete mystery and something that is currently impossible 🤔
I'm really curious how the team will pull this off, do they have a formula that no one else has? Exciting

4 ответов

3 просмотра

Elrond already has more than 1 year since it’s running in sharded mode with no downtime. Even the DEX has no downtime, from what i know, it’s just inaccessible What’s next on the table is sharded DEX. Now that’s an interesting architecture to study

Argos- Автор вопроса
Iulian Mocanu
Elrond already has more than 1 year since it’s run...

That's what my message is about, smart contracts on a sharded architecture. This has nothing to do with downtime or the blockchain having sharding capabilities. Running SCs on a sharded architecture is very tricky and could cause BIG issues... I have seen different solutions, Zilliqa has a very interesting formula for running SCs with sharding, works well on paper but it's completely different in practice. Think about it, why do you think ETH2 is still yet to come? This is what it aims to do and for the time being, no one really has a viable solution

That's what my message is about, smart contracts o...

The DEX was running pretty well if you ask me before they changed the APRs in favor of LKMEX. I agree that SCs are tricky on sharded architecture. But the word tricky is key here. ETH2, from my limited knowledge, is mostly delayed due to consensus between ppl, not tech wise. There was an interview with vitalik where he said something along those lines, but can’t recall where i saw it.

Argos- Автор вопроса
Iulian Mocanu
The DEX was running pretty well if you ask me befo...

The DEX is ok but it's not sustainable if they keep all SCs on 1 shard for too long, as the ecosystem grows and there will be more pools, farms and users/transactions it will just congest or completely block Shard 1, which runs the SCs for the time being. We noticed that with wallets on Shard 1 having transactions timing out, this will only get worse in time, eventually making a DEX that is supposed to be better than the rest, actually worse than the rest, as 1 shard can't handle all the SCs 🤔 Sever said V2 is very close, I'm really curious what their solution for sharded SCs is, there are some docs out there but I can't really find the conclusion. I really hope to see this soon, I'm sure it will pretty interesting

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