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I had 5000 rides in the pool with 1.6 eGLD

this morning, now there are only 1144 rides left but 7 eGLD? will i get my ride back at some point?

2 ответов

16 просмотров

get urself some knowledge about how LP tokens work and what IL is

it's called impermanent loss, if one side of your pool changes value but the other doesn't follow suit then the LP will balance the token out to represent this change. The only thing impermanent loss cares about is the price ratio relative to the time of deposit. If you do not leave the pool and the price ratio returns to what it was when you entered then yes you would get your tokens back friend. Hodl tight, do some research on impermanent loss and make a decision what you want to do. The price of RIDE token may return to the price it cost when you made the LP token, I imagine you used a lot of slippage, Elrond did advise against this in the updates leading up to RIDE. I hope everything works out for you and all investors. Hodling may be the answer here for a lot of people to feel much better about their situation.

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