209 похожих чатов

Dear team, thanks for the great SCORE launch. Everything looks

smooth! I have a more general question, which i hope will be addressed by Swagner in the next town hall: How is it possible that supplying a staked ship costs 0.01 Sol in gas fees? i was under the impression, as mentioned many times by the team, that gas costs on Solana are a fraction of a cent. I see i problem here if a single transaction costs 0.01 Solana which is 1,80$. This will affect the game. Am i missing something?

1 ответов

4 просмотра

When u buy resources, u'll pay like 0.01-0.02 SOL on your first transaction for each resources. After that, u'll just be paying network fee which is like 0.000005 SOL. I thought at first we had to pay 0.01 SOL for each transaction, turns out that's just for every first transaction you do on each resources. Maybe this can help clear most people's confusion regarding SCORE's fee. Honestly, SCORE is looking good so far.

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