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Hi guys, This is a kindly long post (sorry for this).

I just want to leave here some personal thoughts and a question to the Elrond Core Team.
I will start with my thoughts about the things related to Holoride list on Maiar Exchange :
1) We have people complain about using of bots => this is absolutely legal and a practice used on many CEX and DEX
2) People saying is immoral using the bots => the morality of this thing depends of the values of each person - what is moral for some is immoral for others. You just need to look at yourself (what are the values you belief and you will decide if is moral, but this will be only for you, don't expect other people to have the same opinion)
3) A lot of people (some maybe they were participated in their first listing and using for the first time a DEX) lost money because of different reasons (not looking at the real price and just signed blindly a transaction, using a big slippage, transaction slow because of unisharded DEX and shard 1 being overwhelmed on the peaks) =>
*people needs to educate themself before using a DEX (maybe more can be done by the community - even a lot already been done)
*some improvements to the DEX needs to be done - I know that they are in work so we will need to wait
*very small initial liquidity provided related to the expected demand - not know if this has the team decision or Holoride decision

Now I will just ask the team my question :
What is your opinion about what happened? And I'm reffering at the fact that an affiliate of Elrond (even one who did a lot of good things in this ecosystem, a member for whom I have my deepest respect for everything he did) , at the launch of the first project on Maiar Exchange used his knowledge and by using a bot (already said my opinion about using the bots) knowing that his actions will kind manipulate the price ( with that low initial liquidity easy to manipulate) and hurt a lot of people (as a important member of community he had the knowledge that there are a lot of newbies using the DEX and for sure some of them will get hurt).

I'm not acusing or defend anyone, I just want an opinion from the Elrond Core Team related to this.
We already know the opinion of majority of the admins, we now want also an opinion from the team.
Thank you!
@SeverMM I tagged you but anyone from the team can answer

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