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Honestly, thank you To everyone for staying vigilante and calling out

negligence when you see it. That’s how we grow and become more secure! To those who were patronizing the “complainers” & “uneducated” Mocking them, telling them they are stupid and to just roll over and deal with it? You should be ashamed of yourself. That is how events like the ride launch and others like it are allowed to continue to happen in the crypto world. Passive bystanders. Kudos to all the squeaky

18 ответов

11 просмотров

People bought RIDE. Most wanted to be first to capitalize on buying at low price. It back fired. The team cationed people to wait awhile before purchasing because of issues that might occur with all the congestion. Greed won out and people ignored the teams council. There is no shame to be had anywhere. If you continue to base financial decisions on emotion you are going to lose most of the time. Trying to blame others for bad choices is a recipe for continued failure. Learn from this, do better.

And what about the people wanting to help the elrond ecosystem and providing liquidity, those were there because they trust and believe and elrond and they take some crazy impermanent loss to give the poeple the chance to get Ride, those people make the dex Working and they suffer from it as well

And what about the people wanting to help the elro...

Those are the only ones who should be compensated in my opinion. Buying at a higher price means owning it. There isn't a guarantee that the price of any project goes only up.

Those are the only ones who should be compensated ...

That true only if data shown at the buying moment are accurate, they were not, the price went up so fast that between the moment you checked the price and clicking on validate (about 1 second) it took 10000% And venture capital, sold so it went again up and down by 100 of pourcentage in secondes, it was not possible to make knowledgeable purchase

That true only if data shown at the buying moment ...

Perhaps. But that implies that no buyer bears any responsibility at all. It wasn't a must to buy in the first minute, or the second or at all. But mainly what the bots did was messing up with the LP liquidity. And the liquidity providers were just sitting ducks.

The perception of people helping the Elrond ecosystem is a false one. No one is doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. We are investors. We may like the way a system is set up and it's plans for the future but we are all trying to better ourselves financially. Again the reason people lost money is they did not heed warnings from the team. Crypto is risky but returns can be massive. You must understand how it works, it's strengths and weaknesses. It is not wise to be first sometimes. Hold back and waiting can be hard but can work to your advantage. Control your emotions padawan the temptation of the dark side is strong.

Simon Vangile
The perception of people helping the Elrond ecosys...

I disagree, people are supporting the technology the idea behind it, the fact that people don't rely on the centralized system, and I consider myself like one of those, all people are not investor with the idea to just make money but to support a idea and a project

And what about the people wanting to help the elro...

Also impermanent loss was not an issue here. It was the massive short term buying that artificially jacked the price up. The DEX probably had a hand in it but it corrected itself over a very short time. Hence hold back to allow correction then buy. Impermanent loss is the separation price from the origional purchase price of 2 coins/tokens you are supplying liquidity for. It involves arbitrage moving your otherwise unrealized profit out of DEX. But intrest more than makes up for it.

Simon Vangile
Also impermanent loss was not an issue here. It wa...

Arbitrage moving is not something you can do without huge capital, otherwise fee and penalty will eat you

I agree people have strong belief in crypto projects as they should. It's based on the little guy taking power back from banks and governments that have tossed us scraps and told us to be happy with what we got. But that very premise is based on financial motivation. Never lose site of that. It's the very foundation of the answer to why we are involved in crypto.

Simon Vangile
I agree people have strong belief in crypto projec...

ja ! my man! :D we don't wanna be enslaved anymore by credits as moneycreation, because we have money to pay back, that had and will never exist! Pay back dept is a mission impossible, there must be no discussion, it is a mathematical fact period.

Arbitrage moving is not something you can do witho...

Agreed. Goes back to first comments. Know your place in the financial food chain. Capitalize on big preditors kills. Know where they are and where they are killing. You can't stop them. Stay out of there way. Feed off them when you can.

Simon Vangile
Agreed. Goes back to first comments. Know your pla...

Fair enough that's true, but you can't really teach that to a Billion people, so you need to protect the billion people if you want them to use the elrond network and make it main stream


Fair enough that's true, but you can't really teac...

Most of the folks can be taught when it comes to crypto investing, take your time. Do your research. Don't rush in, FOMO bad. Position yourself for long term gains. The best way to "protect" people is education and sometimes allowing them to take the sting of mistakes. Hard lessons are learned best.

And what about the people wanting to help the elro...

Very well said. 75% of the $RIDE I staked drained by the whales. I am fully aware of the impermenant loss but not with this crazy rate.

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