209 похожих чатов

Just a question is the price of a ship governed

by USDC or by Atlas? If Atlas price changes and increases do ship prices remain pegged at their USDC value (i.e. therefore less in Atlas)? Trying to figure out my strategy for accumulating more ships.

4 ответов

3 просмотра

The market is driven by users

D-Bakken Автор вопроса
The market is driven by users

correct. Once all the ships are in users hands it will be driven by supply and demand, but until then and while there is still stock I am wondering what happens if we see big fluctuations in Atlas. let's say Atlas double overnight to $.20. Would those ships not yet in users hands be pegged at the USDC value or the Atlas value?

D Bakken
correct. Once all the ships are in users hands it...

They are fixed in usdc at market launch, as if to have a fixed parameter

D-Bakken Автор вопроса

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