210 похожих чатов

I want to tell you that i am one of

the lucky ones who entered in LP Egld+Ride, until then i didn't know what it is and how it works. I learned my lesson with the price of 70% down of my Ride. Now i can say i really know how LP works, including impermanent losses. Only one thing i don't realize to understand: Why Elrond Team guided us to enter in LP before the swap, and made the switch in 0.04 Ride/Egld? It was almost a fact that the Ride goes above the price of 0.04 and you go in impermanent losses.Regards Elrond community, very helpful info and support!!!

2 ответов

10 просмотров

I doubt Elrond Team guided you to enter... They gave you the info to make an informed decision by yourself... You took a chance (just like me) and IL happened. Nobody told us to do it nor forced us into such a decision. But at least we've learned.

Elrond team never advised you to put liquidity in the farm. It said that YOU CAN put liquidity in the farm. At no point the team told anyone to do anything. They do not give financial advice. You feel they said something they did not say. If you could quote or show anyone where anyone from team said that you should or should not put liquidity or invest in anything, I would appreciate it. They did say that you can do it and that it is a feature they implemented. Pay attention to your own false memories.

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