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Hello, how are you? I am a junior developer of

JAVA, I have got a project, the project was in tezos but I have another phiilosophy than the tezos comunity, my project is create a wallet for entreprises based in blockchains, this wallet would be desinged to be comfortable to use for physical and online stores, the problem with the tezos community is that my phylosophy is based on the international use of a “neutral” token (native token) which must be stable (as a stablecoin but without being linked with another coin) Is the algo token designed to be long-term stable for use in international trade? thanks for the answer 😄

6 ответов

7 просмотров

So, to my knowledge, algorand is not designed to be a long term stable coin. It is designed to be it's own blockchain and to have an independent capacity to perform on it's own. Unfortunately, outside of usdc, usdt, dai, everything is tied bitcoin for price changes. As for costs, algorand charges .001 algo per transaction. So when you say stablecoin, it's not that simple. Algorand can fluctuate in value. Algorand does use usdc and stbl as stable coins

Life is not stable man. Everything changes except change. Your super stable-neutral coin is a honorable idea but that’s impossible to achieve in the real world.

Borja- Автор вопроса
Life is not stable man. Everything changes except ...

I'm going to try it and if I don't succeed, then I can always come to algorand again and what is better, I will have in my resume have made a blockchain that, no matter how bad it is, is not a bad curriculum

Borja- Автор вопроса
I'm going to try it and if I don't succeed, then I...

Really thank you very much for answering me, I will make the wallet possibly for several blockchains since it is modular and the blockchain module is just one more module, possibly one of the versions is something because I love your community and it was in one of the cryptos what did i try first

Borja- Автор вопроса
Walker F
You’re making a wallet?

yes, a wallet for enterprises modular

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