209 похожих чатов

Hello. I am new. I have UST on Coinbase. How

can I transfer it to terra station?

2 ответов

12 просмотров

do you have a Terra Station wallet setup yet? If so you need to set one up

If you have Kucoin exchange 1. Setup Terra Station wallet 2. Send Coinbase UST to Kucoin exchange via ERC-20. 3. On Kucoin, withdraw UST through Terra network for 4 UST with Terra network address. 4. Go to Anchor and go to Earn page and Stake UST. If you have Metamask wallet 1. Setup Terra Station wallet 2. Send Coinbase UST to a metamask wallet. 3. On metamask go to Terra Bridge and bridge your ERC-20 UST over to Terra network using your Terra address. 4. Once funds are bridged, go to Anchor and go to Earn page and Stake UST.

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