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9 ответов

7 просмотров

Delegate was the old “staking” method before the Maiar app was launched. It’s through the web wallet. Staking is done through the Maiar app now.

Legacy Delegation is the delegation on Elrond Foundation’s nodes. It is similar to the delegation on the Staking Pools’ nodes but it has few differences. In order to reach into the Legacy Delegation Pool or as the community calls it, active delegation, one has to go through a waiting list which works on a first come, first served basis. The minimum amount that can be delegated is 10 EGLD. Another difference is that Legacy Delegation Pool does not allow rewards restanking.

Costi Pirvu
Legacy Delegation is the delegation on Elrond Foun...

OK thank you. So I'm better off just staking then. I'm staking for the Maiar idos, is that the best place?

Costi Pirvu
Legacy Delegation is the delegation on Elrond Foun...

Is reward higher? And where to sign up for waitlist?

Yes, select a staking provider, you can read about many of them here ElrondPartners.com

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