210 похожих чатов

8 ответов

15 просмотров

Hi Jimmy. You just create a wallet in Maiar and then go to Earn tab - choose an available Staking Provider and just stake your EGLD. Simple as that. Minimum amount is 1 EGLD.

Jimmy E
How to earn ride?

You need to connect your Maiar wallet to maiar.exchange and there you will have be able to buy RIDE with EGLD and put it to the special RIDE farm. Or you can add to a liquidity pool with EGLD/RIDE to receive LKMEX (locked MEX) and that LKMEX you can put it in a special farm to earn RIDE 🙂

Jimmy E
What’s the apy. For farms pls

You can take a look at all of them here: https://maiar.exchange/farms

Jimmy E
Ok thank you

Always a pleasure. Merry Christmas! 🙌

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