209 похожих чатов

Hi Nexo-Team, a question: It says that "Grow your portfolio

with compounding interest, paid out daily." But as far as I see the daily rewards for frozen assets for e.g. like one month or so... is not paid out. It was stated somewhere else that the whole amount will be paid out in the end of the contract. But this would not be "Compounding interest". Or is the reward accumulated in the back and already put into Staking as well? Thanks for clarity in this question. Best Christmas-Wishes...

3 ответов

11 просмотров

On fixed terms the interest is compounded and paid out at the end of the term

Smart-Like Pluto Автор вопроса

You can see that they acumulate day to day in your notification tab. However the full payout happens at the end of the period

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