210 похожих чатов

This is maybe a stupid question, but after the claiming

of the MEX Airdrop, where the (lk)MEX were send directly to my address on the Elrond Blockchain, did they leave my address somehow when I started to stake in the MEX only pool on the Maiar Dex? (If so: did they go to a smart contract or something like that, that we can see on the Maiar Exchange? Or is the Maiar Exchange itself the „place“ where they have gone?) can we see MEX transactions on the Elrond Explorer somewhere (I only find eGLD transactions). Thank you.

6 ответов

11 просмотров

LKMEX are visible through your wallet and on maiar exchange. You can also see then on the explorer

Bit Onkel🇨🇭- Автор вопроса

Thank you, yes they are. But I can’t see where they were during my staking-period (displayed as a farm on the maiar.exchange). I’m trying to understand if they were still lying on my Elrond Blockchain Address at this moment (that’s not possible I assume?) or if not, where they „technically“ were (a smart contract or something like that)? I can’t see MEX transactions on the explorer.

Bit Onkel🇨🇭
Thank you, yes they are. But I can’t see where the...

If they are Staking in DEX they are in a smart contract, however you are able to send these assets to other addresses without leaving Staking. You can see transactions for 0 in explorer.elrond.com. These are adding liquidity and adding lp to farm

Bit Onkel🇨🇭- Автор вопроса
If they are Staking in DEX they are in a smart con...

Thank you so much! You are a great community admin! Yes, I can see this 0 eGLD transactions on the Explorer. Thank you, now I understand. However, this possibility to send these assets to other addresses without leaving the smart contract(?) is quite complicated to understand. But I don’t need to know how this works. I‘m already happy to know the other things you explained to me so that I can replicate this in my coin tracking tool. Thanks again!

Bit Onkel🇨🇭- Автор вопроса

One last question for today :): Elrond Address: I had in the past one outgoing transactions for delegating eGLD (it wasn’t the staking like today back then). I got the rewards directly to my Elrond address. However, if you just watch the in and outs of my address on the Explorer, you can’t see a transaction back from the delegation to my Elrond address? It looks like they went out (transaction visible) but never came back. But the amount of eGLD on my address is correct. Maybe you have an explanation?

Bit Onkel🇨🇭
One last question for today :): Elrond Address: I ...

It with show as a transaction for 0, that's because you call the smart contract to release your rewards, you can click then scroll down in the transaction to view all the details. You may find Elrond.tax a useful tool for normal Staking

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