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I'M speculating that as the bear market unfolds and bitcoin

crashes (probably sometime in February), I think people will start reverting their money into farming and staking as a hedge against the bear market.

This would cause a major influx of capital into projects such as this. Since Defi Staking/Farming is less monitored than other types, it primes this project of being a major contender in the space. Now this takes into account we have no more issues with sharding or onboarding other projects. Adding in liquid staking and defi lending would catapult EGLD/Mex even further up.

Thoughts? I would like to get other peoples thoughts and feedback on this.

2 ответов

20 просмотров

No, I don't think that will happen. Most retailers will cash out (profit or loss). Many will not touch crypto for a longer period of time. If people were looking for projects like this (with staking/defi) then there would be no bear market. I mean if a demand is here, the price would rise as ppl would buy egld. Does that make sense? 😁

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