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Should I stake 12 EGLD to be able to participate

in launchpads?

2 ответов

18 просмотров

You can stake, but we don't have details yet on the requirements for the next project

How to stake eGLD Please watch out for scammers pretending to be admins, no admin will ever message you first 1 eGLD min, you can download www.maiar.com to stake, or use the webwallet wallet.elrond.com You can read all about the Staking providers here ElrondPartners.com, you can also use the bot @ElrondNetwork_Bot and it will tell you the status of the providers and when space opens up with other providers. Ideally you want a provider with , high apr and that is named. See the Staking guide here https://youtu.be/XHlE8h8kBv4 The fees are already included in the apr rate

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