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Any new roadmap/release? what's next? lack of communications what about

dex improvements? when new tokens, what about the bridge v2, what about defi? Please communicate, it becomes urgent!

4 ответов

18 просмотров

When things are ready to be announced they will be, I'm sure there are many components being worked on as we speak, I too am eager to see the next developments and integrations, but also understand the importance of ensuring everything is properly tested. You can check the weekly tech updates found in the announcement channel @ElrondNetworkAnn to get a sense of what is being worked on.

Jerome- Автор вопроса
When things are ready to be announced they will be...

Hi, thanks for the answer but let me clarify few points: I m following Erond even before mainnet was launched. I read each technical posts or weekly updates. I know the team is working hard and want to build 'perfect' products. I know it's hard to innovate and build new things But if you don't deliver at a minimum pace users will go to other blockchains (this is the truth, and when the market us taken, it's even harder to get new users). I've invested a lot of money (like many petsons), I m also developping an app (so investing my time). BUT your community deserve to know at which point you are in your developments. and please don't do the mistake to do commercial alike communications we know the effect it has on some other blockchains). A blockchain to be popular must be open (other apps should easily join the ecosystem, same for token listing or bridging, defi etc) Please don't kill your blochain trying to control everything...

Hi, thanks for the answer but let me clarify few p...

Thanks for the constructive feedback, will pass it on to the team 👍

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