209 похожих чатов

#Ask how to Unstake our BTT assets in BTTC? will

all the amount of BTT staked return all after unstake?

I have staked on BTTC & want to Unstake

11 ответов

9 просмотров

Go to my account menu you will found your unstake menu

Be on the lookout for scammers ⚠️ Admins, or anyone legitimate will NEVER ask for your seed phrase, password, key, or money, and we will NEVER message you first. If you're in doubt, ask! Do NOT click on any links!

Debi-Arkhana Автор вопроса
Debi-Arkhana Автор вопроса
Harry Tan || Tidak menerima transaksi apapun ||
Be on the lookout for scammers ⚠️ Admins, or anyo...

yes , thank u , a lot scammer chat me directly now , when i asking about this unstaking 😅

Debi-Arkhana Автор вопроса
Harry Tan || Tidak menerima transaksi apapun ||
After 80 check point, 1 checkpoint = 30 minutes

thats mean , about one day. all my BTT staking & rewards , will be return to my wallet sir ?

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