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Hello friends, let us look at some numbers: in the

past 24 hours, yield reserve has dropped by about $1.3 million, but TVL has grown by nearly $300 million. Can anyone help us analyze these numbers. Everyone says the diminishing reserve is a big concern. But what do you make of the explosive growth in TVL?

5 ответов

16 просмотров

Why is that a concern? Reserves were meant to be drained so what’s the problem?

Jerry-Saliki Автор вопроса
What In The Houdini
Why is that a concern? Reserves were meant to be d...

I don’t understand. I am new here but I have heard lots of complaints. I’m seeking to understand if it is truly a concern or not. Also, is the skyrocketing TVL good or bad?

Reserves were not meant to last

Jerry-Saliki Автор вопроса
What In The Houdini
Reserves were not meant to last

Understood. So what happens when the reserves get down to $0?

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