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Why are You Tubers (Bit Boy) saying XRP is going

to go to $10,000.
Never will it go that high in a month of Sunday’s, or am I missing something here ??

9 ответов

15 просмотров

Don’t listen to bitboy. He only does it for followers

Cause they're idiots

Only watch coinskid

Mr-Ringo Автор вопроса

He just as bad some times saying BTC the road to $260,000.. few weeks ago.. Yes it will prob $260k after 5 years not before

Mr Ringo
He just as bad some times saying BTC the road to $...

All Shilltubers are there for the views and monetizing through shilling, clickbait and hopium, nothing else matters to them.

His a qunt

Bit boy needs to be arrested, his a menace to crypto industry. Xrp will do its own thing, don't expect any price prediction, just expect global utility from xrp👌👀

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