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Hi There! I have question about wallet. I've trying to

sync my wallet on my cellphone to my wallet in desktop. but every time just one of them works and the other one shows no balance? Does this work like this or I'm mistaking something here?

6 ответов

10 просмотров

clear your cache and refresh browser And try again

Are the addresses of both wallets the same?

Hidalgo Pairbum-👻👀🐌 Автор вопроса
Are the addresses of both wallets the same?

when I restore my account, the same acount number does not appear. Now, I have my account address with my previous balance on my cellphone but I can not open it in the web wallet

Hidalgo Pairbum 👻👀🐌
when I restore my account, the same acount number ...


Note how many accounts you have

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