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I post this again, maybe someone can explain a bit

for me.
I’ve been using terra station and anchor protocol for like 6 month. I’m really hooked.
But just a question, what’s going to happen when yield reserve goes down to Zero?? It have been declining steady since the fud like 2 weeks ago? Is the interest going to get lower?

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Moonrider-Bengtsson Автор вопроса
Mayank Grover (Will never DM first or ask for funds)

Ok, that’s what I thought, what ever is sustainable, that’s the most important. But I heard Do Keon said they will do what ever it takes to keep it around 20% But honestly I think it’s more important to have a sustainable level even if it’s about 5 % lower. UST and the ecosystem have so many other advantages over the other stable coins out there.

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