210 похожих чатов

Why am I losing money farming mex and basically losing

money in general farming?

7 ответов

9 просмотров

Because there's a risk providing liquidity.

Egld-Whale Автор вопроса

So is yield farming not even worth it?

Egld Whale
So is yield farming not even worth it?

What you mean "loosing money" ? Try reading more about impermanent lose and mb you lost koney bcs the market lost money for the last 3 months?

Egld Whale
So is yield farming not even worth it?

It's financially "dangerous". I never farm and prefer staking (less generous but safer).

Egld Whale
So is yield farming not even worth it?

It's worth. @ Maiarexchange u can read more here ☝️

It's temporary, we are in a mini bearmarket. Don't sell, long term is the way.

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