209 похожих чатов

Hello, can an administrator help me? I have an

amount of "UST" and I deposited more yesterday, but when I check to see the Flex interest, only the added amount appears, not the total. what is it due to?

4 ответов

3 просмотра

Because new assets must settle in your account before receiving interest

Hardnan7- Автор вопроса
Rob Nexo
Because new assets must settle in your account bef...

I understand, but in the balance the deposited balance appears, not the balance I already had. also yesterday they didn't pay me interest

Hardnan7- Автор вопроса
Rob Nexo
I don't quite understand what you mean.

for example I had 100 ust and yesterday I added 150 more. but yesterday 1 they did not pay me the interest of the 100 and now I check my Flex interest account and only the balance that I added yesterday appears, which in this case would be the 150

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