212 похожих чатов

Hi there! How mane Cake are being minted daily? I’m

talking about the net CAKE, Emissions less Burns.

7 ответов

2 просмотра

There is a weekly token burn every Monday/Tuesday (NO SPECIFIC TIME). Read about the emission rate and deflationary mechanics here: CAKE Tokenomics


Nicolás-Colombo Автор вопроса
🥞 Hai Tien | Never DM You First 🔮

Awesome, thanks. But i was asking about the inflation rate

Nicolás-Colombo Автор вопроса
🥞 Hai Tien | Never DM You First 🔮

Thanks, but this doesn’t include the burning into the emission sum, right?

Nicolás Colombo
Thanks, but this doesn’t include the burning into ...

There is a weekly token burn every Monday/Tuesday (NO SPECIFIC TIME). Read about the emission rate and deflationary mechanics here: CAKE Tokenomics

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