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What are our chances we see a settlement this week?

10 ответов

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pretty big. There's something going to happen so they can just settle SEC fucked up it's likely

Young nutsack
pretty big. There's something going to happen so t...

Hi, can you explain your thoughts, I'm interested :)

Bodb Derg
Hi, can you explain your thoughts, I'm interested ...

Youtube and twitter influencers pushing the narrative that the case is all but won.

Bodb Derg
Hi, can you explain your thoughts, I'm interested ...

because of the unsealed documents, which states explicitly that xrp should not be considered a security, might force the SEC to just outright call for a settlement or xrp gets clarity. Either way, Ripple won the case. Millions of xrp are now being moved to Coinbase's wallet and to other exchanges which means that they know that we know that the SEC knows they fucked up. The next hearing is this week but im not sure on what day and there's no way the SEC thinks they have a case or that they might win. The only reason why the case is not techincally "over" is because the judge has to rule in favor of Ripple so that the case can officially be over.

Bodb Derg
So sec fucked up and xrp won the case right?

basically, we just now have to wait for the official ruling also, whales have been accumulating so there's that going on

Young nutsack
basically, we just now have to wait for the offici...

Whale movement on xrp is not a true indicator... sorry

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