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I kind of agree with the staking of $ANC to earn better rewards and Apr on ANC earn. There should also be staking periods for ANC like cds at a bank where if you lock them longer, you will get a better staking APR. I would stake my ANC for 5 years if I had the option with a good Apr


I'm not a fan: A. Anchor is supposed to be a poster child for easy earning at a reference interest rate. This complicated it and goes against the idea of bringing defi (and therefore UST) to the masses. This would make it harder to impliment real-world adoption of Anchor as a savings account. At the moment, Anchor has elegance in its simplicity. B. The whole point of Anchor is to lock up UST. Not support the Anchor token, which is for governance and to incentivise borrowing when there is low demand, not for price speculation. C. The reward for holding $Anc is that you get a say in how this lynchpin of value accrual for $Luna is run. The reward is more adoption of UST and greater $Luna prices. That is why $Luna stakers have had a massive genesis airdrop and continue to get it dropped to them for free every week. People selling it for short term gain are selling their future ability to keep their say in what happens to this vital app. D. This will totally shaft all the protocols relying upon Earn currently (e.g. Orion, Pylon, Kinetic, Nexus) who will have to cope with lower interest rates in future as it is. After a while, interest rates for Earn will have to reduce to something like 15% to be sustainable as it is. E. $ANC is fine as it is. Trying to force depositors in Earn to hold the token to prop up its price is not what Terra needs. It needs greater $UST usage and penalising people for not buying and holding $Anc achieves the opposite. F. The whole point of $Anc is to incentivise $Luna. It's working! It's a governance token for a protocol that was desiged to support $Luna, not to have brilliant tokenomics (that is what $Luna is for). $Anc prices don't matter too much from that point of view. The only place it does become important is to keep demand for borrowing sufficiently high. I suppose, from that point of view, it may be worth doing the opposite: give Borrowers that hold $Anc LOWER interest rates to pay for borrowing. TLDR: Don't worry about $Anc prices. It is not supposed to 'perform' for price speculators (I say that as an $Anc holder and someone that would love to see it moon). That's not the goal here. $UST adoption and $Luna's price is the important thing. BIG Incentive to keep holding your $Anc though: it is important for governance and if you're in $Luna for anything except the short term, you will want to keep your say in how Anchor is run. Case in point: this proposal is not good for $Luna holders for the reasons above, so you made sure you kept those $Anc airdrops handy so you can vote against this sort of thing. Didn't you?

Trev-T Автор вопроса
I'm not a fan: A. Anchor is supposed to be a post...

You make good points. Make sure they get heard

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