209 похожих чатов

Hey, a question about the mechanism of the protocol. How

it can guaranteed the 20% return?
I know it have a treasury, and when the protocol have more money borrowed than deposited the treasury go up.

So when people borrow against eth or luna for ust, how much interest they paying?

3 ответов

11 просмотров
David- Автор вопроса


Nobody is going to spend that amount of time to explain to you the mechanisms of how anchor works. There are so many users and if they were to ask, it will take forever to answer. You can always go to YouTube to search for an answer or go to their site to read their documents.

David- Автор вопроса
Nobody is going to spend that amount of time to ex...

And o understand that, but i didn't ask about all the mechanism, but a specific one.

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