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Have a read through these articles when you get a chance Elrond is now! https://medium.com/everstake/elrond-builds-the-internet-of-blockchains-right-now-724b03772c7f 44 page in depth review https://32prosperity.medium.com/is-elrond-network-the-future-smart-contract-blockchain-market-leader-f3a40ee954eb

Just try it out. Reason why I hate playing on ethereum etc. It's fast easy cheap. Mostly for the community good too. Bar a few hiccups so far.

-Adaptive state sharding, avoiding pooling of resources to aid decentralisation. Extreme speed and Scalability and security. -0 downtime. -User wallet TRUE owned NFTs. (Solves ETH NFT issues) -Cheap gas. -Great partnerships. -No VCs dumping tokens. -Ro Central Bank approved Twispay aquirement. -Many upcoming features, NFT marketplace, ETH Bridge, Stablecoins, lending borrowing, liquid staking, staking phase 4.0, multi shard DEX, check road map. -Future proof tokenomics that becomes more scarce as adoption increases. Excellent SOV

smoltower꭛小白屎 (multi, versX)
-Adaptive state sharding, avoiding pooling of reso...

You're almost better in writing than in TA's 😂😂😂😂

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