209 похожих чатов

Can someone explain in detail what happens when u connect

to the fake website? Do u loos ur money as soon u deposit? Or do they take there time taking ur money ? Lol

5 ответов

8 просмотров

When you connect to fake website, you will give them access to your wallet as they ask for seed phrase. And then they direct you to legit website and after you deposit, they withdraw it and then transfer it to their wallet.

E.N-💰 Автор вопроса
Mayank Grover (Will never DM first or ask for funds)
When you connect to fake website, you will give th...

Whoever is getting scammed should not be in this game. Why would anyone give there seed phrase when joining anchor. #1 anchor Dosnt ask for ur seed phrase

E.N 💰
Whoever is getting scammed should not be in this g...

People are connecting their wallet to the scam websites and providing their seed phrase.

E.N-💰 Автор вопроса

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