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Hi guys! Can anyone please explain if there is any

difference between normal delegations (stake) of egld, and legacy delegation? I know that for legacy delegation there is a minimum amount of 10 egld! But what is the difference?? Do the legacy delegators have special rewards? Bigger apr, better offers?
And hoe can one delegate as legacy delegator? Thank you

2 ответов

66 просмотров

legacy was there before Validators/Staking providers arrived Elrond team advised to move our stake to them The only difference may be about APY%

Hi Ioan. For the Launchpad you need to have your EGLD staked on March 25 when is the actual snapshot. After that date you can consider to unstake if you wish but the 3rd Launchpad project will follow soon after Itheum so you might consider keeping your EGLD at Staking for the 3rd Launchpad snapshot 🔥

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