209 похожих чатов

8 ответов

14 просмотров

VLX-EVM when depositing/withdrawal from either kucoin to metamask and metamask to kucoin you make use of VLX-EVM

VLX-EVM when depositing/withdrawal from either ku...

Hello. Have you specified the partnership between MARS DAO and Velas?

Hello. Have you specified the partnership between ...

Not yet, please stay tuned for official announcement from the team

Not yet, please stay tuned for official announceme...

We have entered your community 🤝 The team will soon also have a partnership with Farcana.

what is MARS DAO?

You can see it on coinmarketcap MDAO token

what is MARS DAO?

marsdao provide staking on VLX but not yet official. Please stay tuned for more announcement.

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