209 похожих чатов

Rosie Rios and Michael Warren is in their board of

directors now.

Can it get anymore obvious? Why haven't people figured it out yet?

Well, a large majority of people still think masks protect them from omicron 🤣

2 ответов

9 просмотров

It is like: don’t you see that everything is cooked? It is like: btc in the beginning when it worth pennies. Being THE coin for crossborders (imagine only 10%) means more than 1000usd/xrp. And they will push the botton this 2022!

Marc Teixidor
It is like: don’t you see that everything is cooke...

Are you calculations based on 1 time use of a token per year? remember settlement takes a few seconds so a single XRP can be used multiple times. Please provide calculations for this $1000 per XRP claim

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