210 похожих чатов

Hi, say I add lp tokens to ride metastaking... is

it only the ride rewards generated that are locked for 10 days or the whole half of the ride in the lp token that is locked for 10 days?

4 ответов

11 просмотров

It's the half of the LP that's locked ,not the rewards

N- Автор вопроса
Ok so I can use the egld part of the lp pair?

Nope sorry for the confusion, walking at the moment on mobile.. When unstaking from metastaking... • EGLD/RIDE LP tokens are automatically removed from the EGLD/RIDE Farm • EGLD/RIDE liquidity is automatically removed from the EGLD/RIDE Liquidity Pool • All involved RIDE tokens (both in EGLD/RIDE LP and directly staked) are subject to a 10 epochs (days) unbonding time

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