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Despite of the crossborder payments market (150 trillions), we have

to also consider retail, banks and Governments holding Xrp, companies, derivates, etc, etc.
However xrp has 100B coins and they can do transfers between 3-5s, people/institutions who do these transfers will have to have some xrp, at least for the money transfer.
Can xrp be a stable coin? Maybe yes. But it was created to reach its best efficency with more value: 1000 or 10.000.
This will not be all of a sudden, but it will.
We should also consider that half of the coins are in ripple hands locked. So circulant is lower than these 100B.
Let’s what happens in the next 2-3 years once ISO is fully working and banks only use xrp for their businesses.

4 ответов

11 просмотров

So, Bank A sends 1 Billion XRP to Bank B... Bank A no longer has the 1 Billion XRP because it has just been sent to Bank B... Bank A will need to buy more XRP to send the second 1 Billion XRP... Over time, with more and more banks utilizing XRP for transfers daily, more XRP will have to be available for use... increasing demand for XRP... That might not help, but that is how I understand the process... IMO

Jake G. “Trust is the coin of the realm”
So, Bank A sends 1 Billion XRP to Bank B... Bank A...

Why would bank A need to buy xrp? Wouldn’t they just use xrp for the on demand liquidity pool for 3–5 seconds while there transaction is settled with bank B? Doesn’t On demand liquidity mean you use xrp to bridge one currency to another for the duration of your transaction without actually needing to own any?

Why would bank A need to buy xrp? Wouldn’t they ju...

I really don't know the details of this and anything about the "on demand liquidity pool"... I trust someone more market savvy will respond... I do recall someone previously asking this question and the response was similar to the one I gave... but my understanding of this is very limited... In principle, it seems, there would need to be as much XRP available as all XRR transactions are made at any one moment... Hopefully some better minds will respond...

Why would bank A need to buy xrp? Wouldn’t they ju...

I think it comes down to the fact CBDCs are being pushed in, and the global agenda is to move into are more carbon neutral outlook. So xrp makes the most sense to use as a protocol for facilitating these goals. They have possibly a few competitors, but none that hit the mark quite like they do. If you consider that the court case will usher in more regulations into the crypto space and CBDC are being pushed, XRP price is being driven down it's all a perfect scenario really. Not for the retail investors but for the movement as a whole and of course keeping the rich, richer and if this is what's happening (and I assume it is something you've considered as you are also still here) we will manage to take a piece of that pie. :)

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