209 похожих чатов

Transactions are pending. How long did your tx took to

be successful?

13 ответов

7 просмотров

at least 30min for me

DAD 🌖🧪⚛- Автор вопроса
Lydus | Lydia Dev (🦁,👑)
at least 30min for me

oh yeah, those.. do avoid Binance.. Huobi seems to be doing a better job at the crisis..

niku (I don't answer DM's)

Withdrawn from Anchor (Avax)

Charmingly Nero
Withdrawn from Anchor (Avax)

everything seems to be stuck in a traffic jam right now..

niku (I don't answer DM's)
everything seems to be stuck in a traffic jam righ...

kinda glad im in the same boat as others? Thought it was just me. I'm trying to reverse the transaction with that function on site

Charmingly Nero
kinda glad im in the same boat as others? Thought ...

no dude, it's everyone.. we must plan in advance next time..

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