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So I pulled my UST away from Anchor into Kucoin

to wait for the restabilizing of the peg, but Kucoin has stopped withdraws and current trading pairs are wildly mismatched so I can't trade UST on Kucoin or withdraw from Kucoin. Any advice?

3 ответов

14 просмотров

what do you mean? i just sent my ust to kucoin no prob I cant withdraw my luna though i just bought

Nick- Автор вопроса
what do you mean? i just sent my ust to kucoin no...

Have you seen what current trading pairs are like on Kucoin? Have you tried withdrawing FROM Kucoin? Both aren't options atm.

what do you mean? i just sent my ust to kucoin no...

send via terra chain ? i tried and it keep loading when i press submit

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