Circulating is just over 22 mil at moment
Have a read here through the tokenomics Max after 10 years is 31.4 million, but this number will never be hit, there is an issuance model in place. You can read about it in the tokenomics paper, the more transactions on the network the less the issuance will be We are in year 2 in the above tokenomics charts found in the link above. It runs from September, which is when the tokens swapped from ERD
Thank you. Is it inflationary. I thought max supply was less than btc
It is currently inflationary, it has a theoretical hard cap of 32M EGLD though.
When do you think it would become deflationary?
Once we reach the necessary treshold of transaction year to year.
How much is that ?
Just read this, it varies per year :)
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