You make great threads and messages on twitter building up hype and then you released it at a random day and hour without making an official announcement? Wtf.
+ I'd preferred a LOT them taking one extra week, talking with all their partners and on day one beginning to bridge tokens with them. Not asking them to apply... What I was hoping for was to have new tokens bridged from day one, there was an immense hype for nothing. The first bridge I see that have these type of limitations.
My curiosity question is why bother bridging the coins to elrond? Just to hold your erc-20 on elrond? There literally nothing you can do with the coin once bridge.. it's not like automatically u can farm it or metastake it or meta this and that with it. I believe all those require more requirements to get added to the DEX. Most of our own coins aren't even farmable yet. Just curious why this bridge is such a big deal.
So once bridge it's LIVE for swaps?
Sadly not, was writing the other comment
yeah, I've looked to the transactions, for me there are no so much transfers (RN), we effectively miss more use cases on the ERD side (swap, farm, lending?, defi things...),we are stuck with the USDC, or eGLD ..
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