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I dont speak for Elrond but my thoughts are that Elrond only provide the framework ... anyone is free to create an ESDT ... its up to the user to do their research ... there will always be bad players in every ecosystem ... but decentralisation demands that the user be very diligent 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Magish 🎩
I dont speak for Elrond but my thoughts are that...

That’s right. Super awful to see HETO pull something like that. Our work, our community, our values, tainted by thieves - it never feels good. But, to a certain extent, it means we’ve also created something useful - just like how someone can create their own website & social media accounts, ESDT tokens can be created just as easily. This puts extremely powerful tools in the hands of everyone. Tehcnology is neutral, so some of those people can be jerks like these. Stay safe, team 🙏

Typo screenshotted ser, I shall now use this as leverage to attack elrond muharhar. Jokes aside, great message. We all have to stay vigilant. 🔥👏🏻

Sever, the $HETO rug-puller is identifiable. The wallet that got away with the funds: erd1ezp86jwmcp4fmmu2mfqz0438py392z5wp6kzuqsjldgd68nwt89qshfs0y. It received 2 months ago 1k egld from a second wallet, erd1hatvhl68eguey7whuyx9h79nxu2tk9zveseas5fj78uuj6vvfhnqe0y29m. Tx hash: 109f0182687594e3c1cb08e40fbd6cf5bd9fea3267fd7204c2b573720f0e3178 The second wallet received the 1k egld from a third wallet erd158q6lmwfwrc0k7splttr9faqd9f8hcu7pk9yulqzx7kpjth7cl3qg20dlf Tx hash: 9e26460e2d4f2cd8c2646383b32f7334156ae721b677b22f7fd4716a59f9512a This 3rd wallet received 10k egld from a fourth wallet erd1whjg00xmueq29jl2y72hvpc28n5dfkk5xdc20ale53zsglcfelxq3fwe8p. Tx hash: 65d014a3867a82aa6c5598ffb3848255be8e203701b80b8bb09886d2bfd8157f This is where it gets interesting. 4th wallet received 100k EGLD from erd16x7le8dpkjsafgwjx0e5kw94evsqw039rwp42m2j9eesd88x8zzs75tzry, which is a wallet that most likely distributes EGLD when you buy it. So, this type of money does not just get passed around anonymously. Maybe the team can shed some light on who this person is. This should not be left at "It was a scammer and everybody should DYOR". It will only encourage further scams. People must see that action is taken against this type of behavior...

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