going to do tomorrow? Are they going to sell their ust to transfer them to another platform or will they leave them there waiting for some nexus decision with the possibility of losing everything? I just want to know what you think
We are hoping @yanangel3 will fight a bit with the management team and give us announcement, either good or bad,but something,in the next 24 hr
Good question. I'm not sure. Hard to know what the right choice is. I think it comes down to this: If you want to be part of a class action against Nexo, maybe best to leave UST on. If not, maybe best to remove them and move on.
What class action are you talking about?
FatMan class action includes exchanges and platforms like Nexo...excpect for the exchanges that just buy back UST at 1 USDC
Ah I see, I guess this is in the USA? I am from UK so I wouldn’t be included in this
It's global - mutliple countries. Massive case. They will announce the law firm soon. Apparently, law firms have already committed 15 million USD.
Anericans usually see the SECs laws as appilcable to all lands, so even if you in UK, infringement of Sec laws may somewhat relate ti NEXO
Hmmmm…. Will take a look at this,
Ok I see, so I could potentially get involved if it ever comes to that stage?
Also about how UST was marketed by Nexo.
Well, when everything was fine, nexo was fine. But when things went south, why not restrict trading after the price say went 60-70% down?
Yeah, really and why keep the swap fees for UST? It's like adding salt to a wound
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