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Did they really block Maiar app? Last time I used!

I am moving all my funds to ledger! This is ridiculous!!!!!

7 ответов

12 просмотров

Transactions are halted. Team working on it. Funds are safe. Wait for official announcements.

You can use EsdtMarket to transfer ESDT tokens. eGLD transfers are disabled on our app as well until the situation is resolved

Krisztian-Zagonyi Автор вопроса
Transactions are halted. Team working on it. Funds...

But the whole blockchain is halted? Or just the Maiar app?? This is why I wont use the maiar again. Do freeze my funds!

Krisztian Zagonyi
But the whole blockchain is halted? Or just the Ma...

Just the Elrond API and Gateway. The blockchain is working as expected

Krisztian Zagonyi
But the whole blockchain is halted? Or just the Ma...

The chain is working just fine Krisztian :) the API's are paused at the moment

Krisztian-Zagonyi Автор вопроса

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