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If I'm not wrong, during the exploit many EGLD were

minted from nowhere. What is the destiny of this EGLD? Will the Team buyback and burn them? Or will they inflate the circulating supply?

8 ответов

10 просмотров

Wrong, nothing minted.

Stop the narrative that this was like a recent demise of a popular crypto minting tokens it’s completely false

Exploited from contract. Team got it back from the exploiters (95%) remaining funds reimbursement by elrond treasury.

they are not minted from somewhere it was an exploit to WEGLD contract

G.B.- Автор вопроса

This is not clear for me. Didn't the exploit consist in unwrapping WEGLD not previously wrapped, resulting in more EGLD in circulation? Sorry for my difficulty to understand.

This is not clear for me. Didn't the exploit consi...

Wait for official Technical & detailed (coming soon) explaination by the Elrond Foundation before coming to any conclusion or spreading misinformation.

G.B.- Автор вопроса
This is not clear for me. Didn't the exploit consi...

The confusion is nothing was minted total supply never changed

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