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Does the real time audit gets updated everyday ?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Nexo will not be liquid to pay requests.

Axcel-SS Автор вопроса
Axcel-SS Автор вопроса

Okay so if it’s more than 100 percent it means Nexo is profitable as a company If it’s less than 100 percent it means nexo isn’t making profits as a company. Is it possible to see exact percentage ? 🥲 If it’s 101 or 180 percent ?

It is not a fixed sum. It depends on the market condition and you can see it when you initiate the withdraw. But BTC transfers a quite cheap compared to the ERC20.

Alex Nexo / No support via DM
It is not a fixed sum. It depends on the market co...

Jist curious cause I remember trying to send 100$ in btc from Binance and they took like 15$, meanwhile I had some btc on chain and the tx was worth around 1$ (a little bit cheaper)

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