🦄 Uniswap: 0x8c543aed163909142695f2d2acd0d55791a9edb9 🥞 PancakeSwap: 0xe9c803f48dffe50180bd5b01dc04da939e3445fc (Click the links above to trade)
about over of 2b in the circulation...
so with this inflation velas will reach 4b coin??
There is a probablity, after 8 or 10 years maybe? I just calculated it within 5 years our supply is still at 2.9b more or less supply.
Is there a way to see how much tokens are really still in circulation? As I think a lot of tokens are already lost, stuck and sent to unexisting adresses (binance for example)
total and circulating supply https://native.velas.com/supply These filters cannot be applied
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