210 похожих чатов

How some of you complain about not winning in a

lottery is beyong my understanding and you ask the admins for an answer... what answer do you want? Its random

12 ответов

10 просмотров

how much egld do you have staked? and whats the period that egld was staked?

Crypto-Days Автор вопроса
how much egld do you have staked? and whats the pe...

100 egld staked since 2017. Good enough?

Nobody wants an answer keep it to yourself. We just say what is fair and what is not

Crypto-Days Автор вопроса
Paul D ⚡
Nobody wants an answer keep it to yourself. We jus...

It is fair that you got 1/64. Because its random

Crypto Days
It is fair that you got 1/64. Because its random

Ok so i staked my egld for 5 years and a new guy comes stake for a week and win 4/4 . Perfect.

Crypto-Days Автор вопроса
Paul D ⚡
Ok so i staked my egld for 5 years and a new guy c...

Yes... it brings new people to the project which in return gives value to your already bought tokens. Gives exposure to egld

Paul D ⚡
Ok so i staked my egld for 5 years and a new guy c...

How did you stake your EGLD for 5 years? Didn't staking begin in Oct 2020?

Alexandru B. | esdt.space
How did you stake your EGLD for 5 years? Didn't s...

not sure ask paul and crypto days, both of them staked from 2017

Crypto-Days Автор вопроса
not sure ask paul and crypto days, both of them st...

Nah I was kidding I have mine staked since last year

Crypto Days
100 egld staked since 2017. Good enough?

Wow, so you started staking 2 years before the erd ICO on Binance, good job!

Crypto Days
I was saying it as a joke

Yes, sorry thought you were the other guy 😁

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