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Can we organize thoughts or complaints in point form so

I can present them more easily?

5 ответов

12 просмотров

What happens to the validator commissions on the various chains, that are run under the Sentinel name? We were told to see a inflation proposal by the team by the end of July. Where is it? Why is it late? Why are we ignored when we speak of it? When will long promised node features be implemented? Like backup RPCs There are a couple other issues that don't get further investigated/fixed. Why? Is the main dev not working for sentinel anymore? Why are old sentinel apps that haven't been updated in ages still available on the appstore? The original tokenomics paper was talking about "tiered inflation" for stakers that was said to be "The next planned significant upgrade after the mainnet launch". What happened to these plans? Can we have a token release schedule that isn't for ants (https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*K8_H3IInYfpJ_CQPpJbOSg.png), preferable tabulated. Why do I (me (you)) have to come forward with these questions. Why is the team not able to engage directly with the community and their questions?

1. They are compounding as far as I know 2. It is in the process, it should not be just simple “change x to y” 3. Won’t comment here 4. Soon Exidio will be removed from stores, other app too I guess 5. Still in play 6. Not clear what you mean there 7. Cause builders build and community is using and asking questions. There was some AMAs here and I hope one more will be here too as well

Good Ol’ Lord Nine
1. They are compounding as far as I know 2. It is...

1. If you follow the money you will notice that not everything gets reinvested/ invested in other chains validator 2. Not answering the question 3. They don't develop much it seems 4. Sooooon 6. The release scheduel is not clear 7. See 3

Good Ol’ Lord Nine
1. They are compounding as far as I know 2. It is...

Not much building being done compared to other cosmos projects

1. If you follow the money you will notice that no...

1. Would be interested in your analysis 2. I wanted to say that if foundation plans to release updates tokenomics, I am sure it won’t be just changing inflation numbers 3. GitHub is good metric, but I know some things behind the scene, so I am fine with current Public data 4. Sooon 6. Literally all info in the graph 7. See 3

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