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What'S the best staking option available and what is minimum

elrond required?

5 ответов

7 просмотров

You can stake using Maiar wallet or Elrond web wallet and minimum EGLD required is 1EGLD

Simon- Автор вопроса
Toby Pikamoon
You can stake using Maiar wallet or Elrond web wal...

Can you stake immediately or do I have to wait?

Can you stake immediately or do I have to wait?

Yes you can stake , as long as you have your EGLD being held or stored in your Maiar wallet or Elrond web wallet

Here is a staking guide: 1 eGLD min, you can download www.maiar.com to stake, or use the webwallet wallet.elrond.com You can read all about the Staking providers here ElrondPartners.com, you can also use the bot @ElrondNetwork_Bot and it will tell you the status of the providers and when space opens up with other providers. Ideally you want a provider with , high apr and that is named. See the Staking guide here https://youtu.be/XHlE8h8kBv4 The fees are already included in the apr rate Info on Dex here https://youtu.be/EnP8xgK5eJw

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